Wednesday, December 7, 2011

How I get rid of acne and afteracne scarfs

When I was 13, I faced skin problems. Acne, blackheads, my skin became oily and unclean. I used many skincare products, and non of them could help me. I used to cover skin problems with tone creams and face powders. So the look was next:

                                                        I began feel myself sooo ugly!!!
One year ago, I could get rid of acne and horrible red spots (scarfs)! So, I tried:

I loooove this magic gel! It helps very-very well!
Metrogyl gel. You can get it in chemistry for about 3 USD. This gel is made in India, so I think it is available worldwide. Gel is a little sticky, however in 5 min. it is fully absorbed by skin. I used it daily, in the morning and before going to bed. It is necessary to use it everyday, about 30 days (read the annotation). But this product makes your skin really dry, don't forget about nourrishing creme.

Second magic thing:
Clay have many types; black, white, green, pink, red, blue. With additions or plain. Just choose which you like)
 I prefer black and pink ones. Black one is better for blackheads, pink one is more gentle and can remove the red spots after pimples. Just mix it with water/cucumber juse/rose water/milk/yoghurt. 
Where you can get it? In the chemistry or beauty store or the Ebay. 
Price? In my country, about 1 USD
Apply this mask on your face. Make thick layer, and don't let it get dry, its very important! Otherwise, your skin may become very dry. Wash it off after 15-20 min. Use moisturuzung creme.
Clay is very good absorbent, it sucks blackheads and makes skin very fresh and clean, without inflammations and acne. Keep using that a few days per week for about month and you will see the great results)

UPD: for best result, don't use any "camouflage", or your cleaned pores will become dirty again. Use just a little bit of antibacterial powder.
Ta-da-da! My skin today:

My skin still is not perfect, but it looks much better! For getting perfect skin, without large pores and other shits, I must forget about sweets. But I can't. I'm sweetomaniac -_____-


  1. clay, hmm... that's interesting! and it's definitely a first coming across it as a skin solution. thanks for sharing, your skin looks AMAZING now!! :D

  2. thank you! I hope my experience will helps you
